
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

10 things you should do everyday.

     So as a mom, I personally know how hard it is to keep your body and mind healthy throughout the day. One goal I have created for myself in the year 2016 is to keep my body nourished. And trust me, I'm the queen of going all day without eating and feeling like I'm going to die at about 4pm. Realizing all I've had to eat is a protein bar and three cups of coffee, no exaggeration here.

     So I've really been putting my mind to easy and quick ways to keep your body healthy and mind on focus throughout the day.

Here is a list of 10 things that I have not only experienced to help but are proven to help:

Yes, capitalizing that was completely necessary. Wake up and drink water. Drink another one in an hour. And keep doing that all day long. Keep yourself hydrated. ALL DAY.
I put my lemon essential oil in mine. Or squeeze some fresh lemon, some fruit, whatever you need to make you drink that water, do it.

2. Eat breakfast.
Okay, I know this is a hard one. I have two little ones and sometimes it's near impossible. But here is a list of SUPER easy breakfast's you can make, that aren't too heavy and your little person can eat them too.

-Fried egg, avo & a slice on cheese on whole wheat toast.
-Greek yogurt with granola. You can make granola at home and save money or just buy some at the store! Add fresh fruit for a little extra flavor. My favorite mix is vanilla greek yogurt, honey granola and bananas! Seriously tastes like dessert and is super filling and healthy!
-Toast with organic peanut butter and bananas
-Oatmeal. Add a little butter and brown sugar to sweeten it up.
-Waffles with organic peanut putter and honey
-Cottage cheese and pineapple chunks
-English muffin with meat (turkey, chicken, ham, bacon) or whatever alternative you may use if you're a vegetarian, avo and cheese.
-French toast. So, I buy blueberry streusel bread and make french toast out of that. You can also get blueberry syrup and its a super quick breakfast! I know, not too healthy. Whatever.
     Okay, Ill stop there. But seriously as you can see, this isn't a like..I'm a professional health expert, let me give you hard recipes that are supposed to be easy. Those are EASY AS PIE! Quick, healthy (for the most part) and get some food in your belly to keep you going through the day! And after you eat, you can enjoy your big cup of coffee, or three, without getting a belly ache!

3. Take time to breathe.
This shouldn't be something you have to remind yourself to do everyday. But, in reality, it is. I like to take this time in the morning. I get Ben set up with his breakfast, Roman with his and I sit down and have coffee. Most of the time it is at the table with them, or on the ground with them, but I take the time to check my emails, my business and drink my coffee.

4. Go outside.
Sometimes I will find myself so busy with cleaning and cooking and doing a million other things with the boys, I will forget to get outside for the day. I don't have a yard, so when we go out, its an entire trip out of the house. But you NEED to do it. Get everything you need ready the day before, and make sure you get outside to either do something fun for yourself or your children.

5. Make a list.
Make a list of everything you need to get done for that day. This will help ensure that you're not filled with a million thoughts stressing you out. Write it down and check it off. If they don't all get done that day, thats okay. Finish it tomorrow.

6. Clean.
I think we can all agree that a messy home creates a messy mind, right? I mean I won't even cook if I have dishes piled up. I would rather go out and spend money than cook in a dirty kitchen. I can't be the only one.
Try to section out one room, or area, a day that needs to be cleaned. Make a list for this as well. Something like Monday and Wednesday you clean the bathroom. Tuesday and Thursday you clean the bedrooms. Friday you deep clean the kitchen, vacuum the entire house and put clothes away. And the weekend you relax.
Here is a free printable I grabbed off Pinterest that can help you with this!

7. Ignite your fire.
Yes, ignite your fire every. single. day. What is your fire you ask? Your hobby. Your passion. What you love to do. Hiking, crafting, walking, biking, drawing, singing. Whatever it may be, Make it happen. I know it can be hard. I pay my little sister to come over and watch my boys so I can work, which is my fire. Make it happen! No excuses. Run with your kids. Hike with them. Hire a baby sitter and go to the gym. There ARE ways to do what you love. It may not be easy, but it's possible.
Or, learn a new skill. Work that brain of yours! Choose something you want to do, and do it. If you follow me on my shop's instagram, @hobokinandco, I just recently posted a video on a new skill I wanted to try. The art of brush pen writing and calligraphy. I had never done it in my life, but thought it was so beautiful, and wanted to give it a go! So I went to our local craft store and bought a brush pen. I came home and started searching tutorials and examples and made it happen! It felt amazing and was so enjoyable to do!

8. Immerse yourself.
Take the time to zone out of thoughts and stress and immerse yourself into something else. Take this time to listing to music, write or read a book. Or go lay in the sunshine and meditate. Whatever it is that you do to escape your stress, do it.
Everyday during nap time, I take the time to either put on some music or listen to my audio CD's that I enjoy listening to. It's my "me" time. Sometimes I just sit in silence and draw. Or sit outside and do nothing. But it's time that my brain gets to take a little time out.

9. Be kind.
Do something that would make someone else happy. This shouldn't be hard to add to your every day list. Call a family member whose day you know you could brighten, hold the door open for someone, buy the person behind you a coffee, bring the homeless some essentials, leave a dollar somewhere and pay it forward.  There are so many tiny ways you can help brighten someones day and it's proven to make you happier as well. Check it out:
Since depression and stress involve a focus on the inner world, focusing on others shifts our thinking,” says DiGonis. There’s also a biochemical explanation as well, she continues. “The feel-good hormones in the brain, such as oxytocin, get activated.” That can account for almost a quarter more happiness in your life, says Robert Emmons, Ph.D. and author of Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier. “We found that when people chronically focus on what they have to be grateful for, a transformation in their awareness occurs, and they become somewhere between 20 and 25 percent happier.”

10. Pamper and Rest.
Getting rest is so important for your body and mind. We may not all get the solid 8 hours of sleep we want to be getting but getting yourself into bed at a decent hour is doable. Get the kids to bed, have a glass of wine, take the time to spend time with your family and get yourself ready for bed.
Take this time to do a face mask, do your toes, brush your teeth and cozy on into bed, knowing you have conquered your day. I have an oil diffuser I like to put on to help me fall asleep, along with using my favorite sleepy time blend that my favorite oil expert (instagram: @1oilforlife) sent me. Creating a routine that you enjoy helps make the process of shutting our brain down a lot easier.

I hope you all enjoyed this blog!
Feel free to leave any comments or feedback!



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